Man riding a bicycle on a street in front of buildings during daytime


Apollo 11 mission insignia featuring an eagle landing on the moon with Earth in the background.
CAMIS logo with red curved lines
Text 'CAMIS LIFT OFF...' in red uppercase letters on a black background.

In 1969, Camis was incorporated, and initially built an innovative motor control for use in battery - powered invalid cars.

Over the next 10 years the company expanded its electronics expertise – particularly with the continuous development of the motor control and by the introduction of a new range of battery chargers.


In 1975 a local electronics company (ATS) was acquired. ATS were strong in timers, counters, and general bespoke industrial electronics design. This brought together the complementary skills of both companies enabling further development of power electronics and control instrumentation.

During the 1980’s customers were seeking complete electromechanical solutions – i.e. switches and sensors etc within a finalised design. Camis fulfilled these needs by becoming a focused technical distributor of electronic products.

The 1990’s saw the electronics product range widened to include the manufacture of a variety of new bespoke electronic controllers.


In 2004, by acquiring Advent Power Products, Camis expanded its product range to include the distribution of special purpose AC & DC motors. Built to customer specification, the motors are designed to operate in the most hazardous and difficult environmental conditions.

2010 saw the acquisition of a small cable harness and Looms manufacturing business to supplement the reputation and growth of Camis in this area.

In recent years, by discerning acquisition and continued targeted investment, Camis can now provide a broad range of electronics products and value-added services:

Electronics Division

Design and manufacture of electronics products.

Cable & Looms Division

Cable assemblies and wiring harnesses.

Components Division

Electro-mechanical components with value-added services.

Electric Motors Division

Standard and special AC & DC motors.